LTI Variable Substitutions
Variable substitution (aka variable expansion) is where custom variables really start to
shine. They provide a mechanism for tool providers to request that specific, contextual
information be sent across in the launch. When the tool consumer processes the launch request,
it detects requested variable substitutions and sends the appropriate data where possible.
Adding variable substitutions is exactly the same as adding custom variables, except the values
are variables instead of constants. This is denoted by prefixing the value with a $. If the
tool consumer doesn't recognize, or can't substitute, the value it will just send the variable
as if it were are regular custom variable (i.e. the name of the substitution variable will be
sent rather than the value).
This allows Canvas to expose data as LTI launch parameters during the LTI launch rather than
requiring access to the Canvas API, which can be expensive for Canvas and the tool. It allows
tool providers to be much more surgical when requesting user data, and it paves the way for us
to be more transparent to tool installers, by showing them exactly what data the LTI tool will
be given access to. Additionally, variable substitutions are generally simple to add to Canvas
relative to gaining API access.
There are currently over 80 substitutions available. Many of the substitutions simply
give access to additional user and context information. An LTI tool can request things
like SIS ids, names, an avatar image, and an email address. Other variable substitutions
assist tools with accessibility (prefersHighContrast), course copy (previousCourseIds), and
masquerading users. Additionally, when we don't provide enough information or customization
directly through LTI, tools can request everything they need to use the Canvas API for an even
richer experience.
Some substitutions may be used as 'enabled_capabilities' for LTI2 tools. These substitutions have a
'Launch Parameter' label indicating the parameter name that will be sent in the tool launch if enabled.
For more information on variable substitution, see the IMS LTI specification.
Variable substitutions can be configured for a tool in 3 ways:
Via UI
Custom fields can be configured via UI by editing the tool configuration and adding the
desired variable to the Custom Fields text box.
The following would add the domain as a launch parameter called custom_arbitrary_name:
Custom fields can also be configured via API.
This would install a course-level tool with domain as a custom field:
curl 'https://<domain><course_id>/external_tools' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>;" \
-F 'name=LTI Example' \
-F 'consumer_key=some_key' \
-F 'shared_secret=some_secret' \
-F 'url=' \
-F 'privacy_level=name_only' \
-F 'custom_fields[domain]=$Canvas.api.domain'
Via JSON Configuration (LTI 1.3)
JSON can be used to configure an LTI 1.3 Developer Key.
The following JSON would create a developer key with the a placement specfic custom field and a tool-level custom field:
"title":"Variable Expansion Tool",
"text":"Variation Expansion Tool Text",
"text":"User Navigation Placement",
"description":"1.3 Test Tool",
Via XML Configuration (LTI 1.1)
Custom fields can also be configured via XML.
This would create a tool in a course with custom fields, some of which are specific for a
particular placement:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns=""
xmlns:blti = ""
xmlns:lticm =""
xmlns:lticp =""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<lticm:property name="user_sis_id">$Person.sourcedId</lticm:property>
<blti:extensions platform="">
<lticm:property name="domain"></lticm:property>
<lticm:options name="custom_fields">
<lticm:property name="canvas_api_domain">$Canvas.api.domain</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="canvas_user_id">$</lticm:property>
<lticm:options name="course_navigation">
<lticm:property name="url">,_with_antlers.jpeg</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="text">Cow With Antlers</lticm:property>
<lticm:options name="custom_fields">
<lticm:property name="concluded_roles">$Canvas.membership.concludedRoles</lticm:property>
Supported Substitutions
LTI - Custom parameter substitution:
Returns the LTI value for the property
Returns "$" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_id
LTI - Custom parameter substitution: ResourceLink.description
Returns the LTI value for the resource_link.description property
Returns "$ResourceLink.description" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_description
LTI - Custom parameter substitution: ResourceLink.title
Returns the LTI value for the resource_link.title property
Returns "$ResourceLink.title" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_title
LTI - Custom parameter substitution: ResourceLink.available.startDateTime
Returns the ISO 8601 date and time when this resource is available for learners to access
Returns "$ResourceLink.available.startDateTime" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_available_startdatetime
LTI - Custom parameter substitution: ResourceLink.available.endDateTime
Returns the ISO 8601 date and time when this resource ceases to be available for learners to access
Returns "$ResourceLink.available.endDateTime" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_available_enddatetime
LTI - Custom parameter substitution: ResourceLink.submission.endDateTime
Returns the ISO 8601 date and time when this resource stops accepting submissions.
Returns "$ResourceLink.submission.endDateTime" otherwise.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: resourcelink_submission_enddatetime
If the current user is an observer in the launch
context, this substitution returns a comma-separated
list of user IDs linked to the current user for
observing. For LTI 1.3 tools, the user IDs will
correspond to the "sub" claim made in LTI 1.3 launches
(a UUIDv4), while for all other tools, the user IDs will
be the user's typical LTI ID.
Returns an empty string otherwise.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_user_observees
LTI 1.3: "a6e2e413-4afb-4b60-90d1-8b0344df3e91",
All Others: "c0ddd6c90cbe1ef0f32fbce5c3bf654204be186c"
Returns an array of the section names in a JSON-escaped format that the user is enrolled in, if the
context of the tool launch is within a course. The names are sorted by the course_section_id, so that
they are useful in conjunction with the Canvas.course.sectionIds substitution.
Availability: when launched from a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_user_section_names
[\"Section 1, M-T\", \"Section 2, W-Th\", \"TA Section\"]
Returns the host of the rich content service for the current region.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_rcs_app_host
Returns true if the user is launching from student view.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_user_student_view
returns all observee ids linked to this observer as an String separated by ,
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_observee_sis_ids
The title of the context.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: context_title
"Example Course"
The contents of the text editor associated with the content item launch.
Availability: when the tool is launched from the editor_button placement
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_editor_contents
"This text was in the editor"
The contents the user has selected in the text editor associated
with the content item launch.
Availability: when the tool is launched from the editor_button placement
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_editor_selection
"this text was selected by the user"
A token that can be used for frontend communication between an LTI tool
and Canvas via the Window.postMessage API.
Availability: **
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_post_message_token
The LTI assignment id of an assignment. This value corresponds with
the ext_lti_assignment_id
send in various launches and webhooks.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_assignment_lti_id
The LTI assignment description of an assignment.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_assignment_description
"Example Description"
A comma separated list of the file extensions that are allowed for submitting to this
assignment. If there are no limits on what files can be uploaded, an empty string will be
returned. If the assignment does not allow file uploads as a submission type, then no
substitution will be performed.
Availability: when the tool is used to upload a file as an assignment submission
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_assignment_allowed_file_extensions
The Canvas id of the Originality Report associated
with the launch.
Availability: **
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_originality_report_id
The Canvas id of the submission associated with the
Availability: **
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_submission_id
The Canvas id of the file associated with the submission
in the launch.
Availability: **
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_file_id
the LIS identifier for the course offering.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: lis_course_offering_sourcedid
an opaque identifier that uniquely identifies the context of the tool launch.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: context_id
The Canvas global identifier for the launch context.
Availability: always
The Canvas UUID for the launch context.
Availability: always
Context.sourcedId [duplicates Person.sourcedId]
If the context is a Course, returns sourced Id of the context.
Availability: always
With respect to the current course, recursively returns the context ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
Will show a limit of 1000 context ids. When the number passes 1000, 'truncated' will show at the end of the list.
This is an alias of Canvas.course.previousContextIds.recursive
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
communicates the kind of browser window/frame where the Canvas has launched a tool.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: launch_presentation_document_target
returns the current locale.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: launch_presentation_locale
returns a unique identifier for the Tool Consumer (Canvas).
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: tool_consumer_instance_guid
returns the canvas domain for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the api url for the members of the collaboration.
Availability: always
returns the base URL for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the URL for the membership service associated with the current context.
This variable is for future use only. Complete support for the IMS Membership Service has not been added to Canvas. This will be updated when we fully support and certify the IMS Membership Service.
Availability: always
returns the account id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the account name for the current context.
Availability: always
"School Name"
returns the account's sis source id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the Root Account ID for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the root account's sis source id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the global ID for the external tool that was launched. Only available for LTI 1.
Availability: always and when in an LTI 1
returns the URL for the external tool that was launched. Only available for LTI 1.
Availability: always and when in an LTI 1
returns the URL to retrieve the brand config JSON for the launching context.
Availability: always
returns the brand config JSON itself for the launching context.
Availability: always
returns the URL to retrieve the brand config javascript for the launching context.
This URL should be used as the src attribute for a script tag on the external tool
provider's web page. It is configured to be used with the instructure-ui node module.
More information on on how to use instructure ui react components can be found here.
Availability: always
returns the URL for the common css file.
Availability: always
returns the shard id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the root account's global id for the current context.
Availability: always
123400000000123 [deprecated]
returns the root account id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the account uuid for the current context.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_root_account_uuid
Canvas.root_account.sisSourceId [deprecated]
returns the root account sis source id for the current context.
Availability: always
returns the current course id.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns the current course uuid.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns the current course name.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
"Course Name"
returns the current course sis source id.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns the current course integration id.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns the current course start date.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
2018-01-15 00:00:00 -0700
returns the current course end date.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
2018-05-01 00:00:00 -0700
returns the current course workflow state. Workflow states of "claimed" or "created"
indicate an unpublished course.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns the current course's term start date.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course) that has a term with a start date
2018-01-12 00:00:00 -0700
returns the current course's term end date.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course) that has a term with a end date
2018-01-12 00:00:00 -0700
returns the current course's term name.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course) that has a term with a name
Launch Parameter: canvas_term_name
"W1 2017"
returns the current course's term numerical id.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course) that has a term *
**Launch Parameter: *canvas_term_id
returns the current course sis source id
to return the section source id use Canvas.course.sectionIds.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: lis_course_section_sourcedid
returns the current course enrollment state.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
returns true if the assignment has anonymous grading
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_assignment_anonymous_grading
returns true if the assignment restricts quantitative data.
Assignment types: points, percentage, gpa_scale are all considered quantitative.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_assignment_restrict_quantitative_data
returns the grading scheme data for the course
it is an array of objects of grade levels.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_course_grading_scheme
{name: "A", value: 94.0},
{name: "A-", value: 90.0},
{name: "B+", value: 87.0},
returns the current course membership roles
using the LIS v2 vocabulary.
Availability: when launched from a course or an account (or a Group within a course or account)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_membership_roles
returns the current course membership roles.
Availability: when launched from a course or an account (or a Group within a course or account)
Launch Parameter: canvas_membership_roles
This is a list of IMS LIS roles should have a different key.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Returns a comma-separated list of permissions granted to the user in the current context,
given a comma-separated set to check using the format
Availability: when launched from a course or an account (or a Group within a course or account)
With respect to the current course, returns the context ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
With respect to the current course, recursively returns the context ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
Will show a limit of 1000 context ids. When the number passes 1000, 'truncated' will show at the end of the list.
This is an alias of $
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
With respect to the current course, returns the course ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Returns the full name of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: lis_person_name_full
"John Doe"
Returns the display name of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: person_name_display
"John Doe"
Returns the last name of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: lis_person_name_family
Returns the first name of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: lis_person_name_given
Returns the sortable name of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_person_name_sortable
"Doe, John"
Returns the primary email of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: lis_person_contact_email_primary
Returns pronouns for the current user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_person_pronouns
Returns the institution assigned email of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user that was added via SIS
Returns the name of the timezone of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Returns the profile picture URL of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: user_image
"" [duplicates]
Returns the Canvas user_id of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: user_id
420000000000042 [duplicates]
Returns the Canvas user_id of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
vnd.instructure.User.uuid [duplicates User.uuid]
Returns the Canvas user_uuid of the launching user for the context.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
vnd.instructure.User.current_uuid [duplicates User.uuid]
Returns the current Canvas user_uuid of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Returns the users preference for high contrast colors (an accessibility feature).
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
returns the Canvas ids of all active groups in the current course.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: com_instructure_course_groupids
returns the context ids for the groups the user belongs to in the course.
Availability: always
Returns the IMS LTI membership service roles for filtering via query parameters.
Or, for LTI 1.3 tools, returns the IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning Service roles for filtering via query parameters.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Launch Parameter: roles
Canvas.xuser.allRoles [duplicates ext_roles which is sent by default]
Returns list of LIS role full URNs.
Note that this will include all roles the user has.
There are 3 different levels of roles defined: Context, Institution, System.
Context role urns start with "urn:lti:ims" and include roles for the context where the launch occurred.
Institution role urns start with "urn:lti:instrole" and include roles the user has in the institution. This
will include roles they have in other courses or at the account level. Note that there is not a TA role at the
Institution level. Instead Users with a TA enrollment will have an institution role of Instructor.
System role urns start with "urn:lti:sysrole" and include roles for the entire system.
Availability: always
Same as "Canvas.xuser.allRoles", but uses roles formatted for LTI Advantage.
Availability: always
Returns the Canvas global user_id of the launching user.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Returns true for root account admins and false for all other roles.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
Returns a string with a comma-separated list of the (local) account IDs
that a user has admin rights in, which fall under the root account that
the tool was launched under. This list includes the IDs of
all subaccounts of these accounts (and their subaccounts, etc.), since
the admin privileges carry from an account to all its subaccounts.
Root account admins are not supported by this variable,
use Canvas.user.isRootAccountAdmin
- Root account
- Subaccount 1 (user is account admin)
- Subaccount 2
- Subaccount 4
- Subaccount 5
Result: "1,2,4,3"
Will show a limit of 40000 characters. If the account IDs list is too big
to fit into 40000 characters, 'truncated' will show at the end of the
The result is cached for 5 minutes.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user
User.username [duplicates Canvas.user.loginId]
Username/Login ID for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account.
This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
Availability: when pseudonym is in use
Canvas.user.loginId [duplicates User.username]
Username/Login ID for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account.
This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
Availability: when pseudonym is in use
Canvas.user.sisSourceId [duplicates Person.sourcedId]
Returns the sis source id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
Availability: when pseudonym is in use
Returns the integration id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
Availability: when pseudonym is in use
Person.sourcedId [duplicates Canvas.user.sisSourceId]
Returns the sis source id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
Availability: when pseudonym is in use
Launch Parameter: lis_person_sourcedid
Returns the logout service url for the user.
This is the pseudonym the user is actually logged in as.
It may not hold all the sis info needed in other launch substitutions.
Availability: always
Returns the Canvas user_id for the masquerading user.
This is the pseudonym the user is actually logged in as.
It may not hold all the sis info needed in other launch substitutions.
Availability: when the user is being masqueraded
Returns the opaque user_id for the masquerading user. This is the
pseudonym the user is actually logged in as. It may not hold all the sis
info needed in other launch substitutions.
For LTI 1.3 tools, the opaque user IDs are UUIDv4 values (also used in
the "sub" claim in LTI 1.3 launches), while for other LTI versions, the
user ID will be the user's 40 character opaque LTI id.
Availability: when the user is being masqueraded
LTI 1.3: "8b9f8327-aa32-fa90-9ea2-2fa8ef79e0f9",
All Others: "da12345678cb37ba1e522fc7c5ef086b7704eff9"
Returns the xapi url for the user.
Availability: always
Returns the caliper url for the user.
Availability: always
Returns a comma separated list of section_id's that the user is enrolled in.
Availability: when launched from a course (or a Group within a course)
"42, 43"
Returns true if the user can only view and interact with users in their own sections.
Availability: when launched from a course (or a Group within a course)
Returns a comma separated list of section sis_id's that the user is enrolled in.
Availability: when launched from a course (or a Group within a course)
"section_sis_id_1, section_sis_id_2"
Returns the course code.
Availability: when launched in a course (or a Group within a course)
Launch Parameter: context_label
"CS 124"
Returns the module_id that the module item was launched from.
Availability: when content tag is present
Returns the module_item_id of the module item that was launched.
Availability: when content tag is present
Returns the assignment_id of the assignment that was launched.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns the assignment_description of the assignment that was launched.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
"Example Description"
Returns the Canvas id of the group the current user is in if launching
from a group assignment.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user and when launched as an assignment
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_group_id
Returns the name of the group the current user is in if launching
from a group assignment.
Availability: when launched by a logged in user and when launched as an assignment
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_group_name
"Group One"
Returns the title of the assignment that was launched.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
"Deep thought experiment"
Returns the points possible of the assignment that was launched.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns true if the assignment is hidden in the gradebook.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns true if the assignment is omitted from students' final grade.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Canvas.assignment.unlockAt [deprecated]
deprecated in favor of ISO8601.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Canvas.assignment.lockAt [deprecated]
deprecated in favor of ISO8601.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Canvas.assignment.dueAt [deprecated]
deprecated in favor of ISO8601.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns the unlock_at
date of the assignment that was launched.
Only available when launched as an assignment with an unlock_at
Availability: always
Returns the lock_at
date of the assignment that was launched.
Only available when launched as an assignment with a lock_at
Availability: always
Returns the due_at
date of the assignment that was launched.
If the tool is launched as a student, this will be the date that assignment
is due for that student (or unexpanded -- "$Canvas.assignment.dueAt.iso8601" --
if there is no due date for the student).
If the tool is launched as an instructor and there are multiple
possible due dates (i.e., there are multiple sections and at
least one has a due date override), this will be the LATEST effective
due date of any section or student.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns the due_at
date of the assignment that was launched.
If the tool is launched as a student, this will be the date that
assignment is due for that student (or an empty string if there is no due
date for the student). If the tool is launched as an instructor and different
students are assigned multiple due dates (i.e., there are students in sections
with overrides / different effective due dates), this will be the
EARLIEST due date of any enrollment (or an empty string if there are no
enrollments with due dates). Note than like allDueAts, but unlike the dueAt
expansion, there must be at least one enrollment in a section for its due
date to be considered.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
In Canvas, users, sections and groups can have distinct due dates for the same assignment.
This returns all possible due_at
dates of the assignment that was launched.
If the assignment is assigned to anyone without a due date, an empty string
will be present in the list (hence the ",," in the example)
Only available when launched as an assignment.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns true if the assignment that was launched is published.
Only available when launched as an assignment.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns true if the assignment is LDB enabled.
Only available when launched as an assignment.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns the allowed number of submission attempts.
Availability: when launched as an assignment
Returns the number of submission attempts which the student did.
Availability: when launched as an assignment by a student
Returns the endpoint url for accessing link-level tool settings
Only available for LTI 2.0.
Availability: always
Returns the endpoint url for accessing context-level tool settings
Only available for LTI 2.0.
Availability: always
Returns the endpoint url for accessing system-wide tool settings
Only available for LTI 2.0.
Availability: always
Returns the Tool Consumer Profile url for the tool.
Only available for LTI 2.0.
Availability: always
The originality report LTI2 service endpoint.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_originality_report_url
The submission LTI2 service endpoint.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_submission_url
The submission history LTI2 service endpoint.
Availability: always
Launch Parameter: vnd_canvas_submission_history_url
Availability: when an attachment is present and it has either a media object or media entry id defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has a media object defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has a media object defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has a media object defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has a media object defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has usage rights defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has usage rights defined
Availability: when an attachment is present and has usage rights defined
Returns the types of resources that can be imported to the current page, forwarded from the request.
Value is a comma-separated array of one or more values of: ["assignment", "assignment_group", "audio",
"discussion_topic", "document", "image", "module", "quiz", "page", "video"]
Only functional when com_instructure_course_accept_canvas_resource_types
is included as a query param
in Canvas-side GET request that triggers the LTI launch.
Availability: always
Returns the target resource type for the current page, forwarded from the request.
Value is the largest logical unit of the page. Possible values are: ["assignment", "assignment_group",
"audio", "discussion_topic", "document", "image", "module", "quiz", "page", "video"]
on Pages Index -> 'page'
on Modules -> 'module'
and so on.
Only functional when com_instructure_course_canvas_resource_type
is included as a query param
in Canvas-side GET request that triggers the LTI launch.
Availability: always
Returns the target resource id for the current page, forwarded from the request. Only functional when
is included as a query param. Currently, this is not
supported generally, and is only implemented for specific use cases.
Availability: always
Returns whether a content can be imported into a specific group on the page, forwarded from the request.
True for Modules page and Assignment Groups page. False for other content index pages.
Only functional when com_instructure_course_allow_canvas_resource_selection
is included as a query param
in Canvas-side GET request that triggers the LTI launch.
Availability: always
Returns a JSON-encoded list of content groups which can be selected, providing ID and name of each group,
forwarded from the request.
Empty value if com.instructure.Course.allow_canvas_resource_selection is false.
Only functional when com_instructure_course_available_canvas_resources
is included as a query param
in Canvas-side GET request that triggers the LTI launch.
Availability: always
[{"id":"3","name":"First Module"},{"id":"5","name":"Second Module"}]
Availability: always